We are growing for you! We have 1500+ plants ready to find their forever homes. B&B Plant Sale April 12, 2025 9 am to noon or sell out!
This information is provided to assist in the selection of your native and adaptive plants in the Hill Country. Information signs are available at the table for your convenience, or you can click on the plant name and print it here.
For questions, contact a Master Gardener at 830-257-6568.
Beebalm, Lemon Mint
Blue Flax
Bulbine, Tangerine
Catmint, Walker Low
Chili Petin
Copper Canyon Daisy
Coreopsis, Lance-Leaf
Cuphea, Batface
Daisy, Black Foot
Desert Mallow
Fall Obedient Plant
Flame Acanthus
Four Nerve Daisy
Frog Fruit
Guara, Pink
Honeysuckle, Coral
Lantana, Confetti
Lantana, Dallas Red
Lantana, Purple Trailing
Lantana, Texas
Mexican Honeysuckle
Mexican Oregano
Mist Flower, Fragrant
Mist Flower, Gregg’s
Mountain Pea
Nierembergia Starry Eyes
Penstemon, Brazos
Plumbago, Dark Blue
Primrose, Showy (Pink Evening)
Rock Penstemon
Rosemary, Upright
Ruellia, Katie’s Dwarf
Russian Sage
Salvia greggii, Coral
Salvia greggii, Lipstick
Salvia greggii, Red
Salvia greggii, Indigo Spires
Salvia, Mealy Blue “Henry Duelberg”
Salvia, Mexican Bush
Salvia, Nuevo Leon
Salvia, Purple-Leaf (Eyelash Leaf)
Salvia, Tropical Red
Skeleton Leaf Goldeneye
Texas Betony
Turk’s Cap