2025 CLASS
Class is currently full.
Watch for 2026 Information
Classes will be begin February 11 through April 2, 2025
*** Click HERE to print 2025 application ! ***
Is the Master Gardener Program for Me?
To help you decide if you should apply to be a Master Gardener, ask yourself these questions:
- Do I want to learn more about the culture and maintenance of many types of plants?
- Am I eager to participate in a practical and intense training program?
- Do I look forward to sharing my knowledge with people in my community?
- Do I have enough time to attend training and to complete the volunteer service hours required?
If you answered yes to these questions, the Master Gardener program could be for you!
The Texas Master Gardener Association (TMGA) program is a statewide VOLUNTEER service organization that falls under the umbrella of the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension across Texas through the local county extension office. Master Gardeners (MG) are members of the local communities who take an active interest in their lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers, and gardens. They are enthusiastic, willing to learn and to help others, able to communicate with diverse groups of people.
Does this sound like an organization you would like to join?
Offered by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Beginning February 11, 2025 – Ending April 2 of 2025
Classes meet every Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Class Locations:
Hill Country Youth Event Center (HCYEC), 3785 TX-27 Kerrville TX, 78028 and
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, 38 Business Ct. Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Field Trips:
Locations in Kerrville, Fredericksburg, Comfort, and Boerne, Texas
Submission of application does not guarantee acceptance into the class.
Commitment Letter/Pay Deadline - November 7, 2024
Get your application in A.S.A.P. as space is limited. Date of receipt may determine acceptance.
The Texas Master Gardeners Association (TMGA) support Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service by providing unbiased, research-based, gardening information to the public. By applying to become a Master Gardener (MG), you are expressing your willingness to support this community education through your volunteer service. You will also provide support to the Hill Country Master Gardeners (HCMG) through talents/skills which you may already have or are willing to learn.
Proficiency in gardening is not required. We are looking for individuals that are ready to volunteer their time to the Hill Country Texas Master Gardener program.
To be considered for the Master Gardener Program you must:
Complete the application.
Attend a scheduled in-person small group Meet and Greet session to be determined in October, 2025
Sign a commitment/letter of understanding
Pay the training fee of $200 for an individual or $300 for a couple sharing a book
Pass a background check per State requirements
Meet and Greet Sessions
Applicants will attend a small group Meet and Greet Session to complete the application process. These meetings will be held at the Kerr Co. Extension office, 3775 Highway 27, Kerrville, Texas 78028. See application for dates! You can indicate your first (1) and second (2) choice for times on the application. You will be notified of the time you are assigned. Please plan to attend,
During the session you will be given 3-5 minutes to help us learn more about you and how you might engage as a Master Gardener. Please address the first question (in bold) plus one or more of the following topics. You will also receive a tour of the Kerrville facilities and have the opportunity to ask questions and meet a few Master Gardeners and other potential students. You will leave with a commitment statement to sign and return.
Why are you applying for the Master Gardener Training
Briefly describe how you can help fulfill the mission of HCTMG
Briefly describe your work history and educational background
Briefly describe your gardening experience
Briefly describe your experience working with youth/adult groups
Briefly describe your public speaking experience
Briefly describe your volunteer experience
Briefly describe in what languages are you bilingual
Anything else you would like to share
Master Gardener Student/Intern
If accepted for the Master Gardener Program, you will be admitted as a Master Gardener student. The student will:
- Complete classroom training:
- 50+ hours of in-person classes
- 2+ fieldtrips
- Open book final exam
After completing the classes, you will be considered a Master Gardener Intern. The Intern period is one year from graduation. During this time MG Interns will:
- Provide a minimum of 50 volunteer hours (VHs) of service under the guidance of certified Master Gardeners. These required hours will include:
- Research Desk - Work with veteran MGs and other Interns for a minimum of 24 hours (in 4-hour shifts). Research desk activities support the extension office by answering gardening questions submitted by the public.
- Attend at least 1 HCMG Membership Meeting
- The remaining 25 hours are from your choice of approved MG projects, programs, committees, Research, and events.
Individual MG certification will be awarded as the above requirements are completed.
Master Gardener Annual Certification
Each year thereafter, the certified Master Gardeners must complete the following to continue their certified status for the following year:
Provide 25 VHs of service
Earn 10 hours of approved Continuing Education (CEU)
Attend 1 HCMG Monthly Membership Meetings
Pay HCMG annual Dues (currently $25)
Sign a Volunteer Agreement
Renew a background check (once every three years)
To Apply
Applications for the 2025 class is now posted.
Click HERE to print 2025 application !
- Pick up one at the Kerr County AgriLife Extension office
• Mail to or Drop off:
Kerr Co. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
ATTN: Education Committee
3775 Hwy 27
Kerrville, TX, 72808
By submitting this application, I indicate that I have read and understand the expectations of holding a Hill Country Master Gardener (HCMG) certification. After attending the small group session applicant will be given the opportunity to pay for the class and sign a commitment form. Payment indicates that the applicant agrees to fully complete the classroom training and volunteer at least 50 hours of service as a MG Intern volunteer as outlined above. This is a substantial commitment to further the mission of educating others in sound horticultural practices.
Commitment Letter / Pay by November 7, 2024
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension provides equal opportunities in its programs and employment to all persons, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.