Hill Country Master Gardeners get ready to open doors at our B&B Sale on April 8, 2023. We spread the tables out more this year to accommodate people
shopping and pulling wagons. Over 2,000 plants were sold!
Thanks to all who came and bought our plants!
Our Blooms & Barrels sale, occurring in the Spring after the last freeze date for our Zone, is our major fund raising event to support our general operating expenses. Plants are purchased in January, repotted to larger pots, and grown in our two greenhouses. In April just before the B&B sale, plants are groomed and transported to the AgBarn at the Hill Country Youth Event Center (3785 Hwy 27, Kerrville) for this annual event. See the tab B&B Plants for current listing information sheets. We also sell 55 gallon food grade barrels converted to catch rainwater.