Cultivar Farms  is an initiative sponsored by the Hill Country Mission for Health focusing on educating the public about vegetable growing and its nutritional benefits.  Members donate instruction and leadership designed to reach across socioeconomic and age barriers, encouraging the enjoyment and experience of gardening.

Located at 122 COMMERCE AVENUE in BOERNE among industrial and commercial buildings, the Cultivar Farms garden was built to support the clients of Hill Country Mission for Health, which provides basic health needs to citizens who would otherwise be unable to afford health care, and Hill Country Family Services, which provides counseling, food, clothing, and emergency financial assistance to families in need. Our purpose is to improve our clients’ knowledge and habits of good nutrition. Volunteers work on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to maintain the garden, welcome visitors and answer their questions about this garden and those at their homes. The produce we harvest is distributed to our clients. In 2017 that came to 1240 pounds of food.

Texas Hill Country Master Gardeners lead hands-on classes for local youth groups, such as Girl Scouts and vacation bible school classes, and coordinate community volunteers from Rotary Clubs, churches, and neighbors who join us to share gardening tips and work together to serve our clients.

Special events each year keep the community engaged and the work fun. Every third Saturday we host a workday for volunteers who cannot come during the week. Two of these are our Spring and Fall Planting Days partially funded by the Thrivent Financial Action Team program. Each summer we hold a watermelon party and each fall we enter our produce in the Kendall County Fair. In our effort to introduce our clients to new nutritious foods, we have cooked diabetic and heart healthy recipes with our produce and offered them to visitors to the health clinic.

The one-half acre garden includes sixteen 3 x 36 foot rows, eight 4 x 8 raised beds, three 4x4 beds, and wading pools, tubs, and other containers for our vegetables, herbs, and flowers. We garden using organic principles and IPM strategies as we are able. Financial and in-kind donations have helped us develop water lines, deer-resistant fencing, a pergola with tables and benches, compost bins, a storage building, a walking path, and landscaping.

Visit our Facebook page to stay up to date on all the fun.  Please feel free to "Follow" us and click the "Like" button at 

Project leads are HCMGs, Shirley Smith and Judy Beauford. Every year we try something new and every day we learn something new about gardening. To learn more about how you can become involved, email Judy Beauford at

Boerne High School (BHS) Senior Service Day

Although most of us at Cultivar are seniors, this service day refers to the annual Boerne High School Senior Service Day. Thanks to a referral from our friends at Hill Country Family Services, we were the beneficiaries of the labors of nearly forty of Boerne’s best and brightest.
For nearly three hours, the kids labored under the direction of our regular volunteers. We had a lengthy list of objectives for the day, and almost all were completed handily. Their energy, their enthusiasm, and especially their young muscles, were a welcome addition to the garden.

Our main objective was the installation of the decomposed granite pathways in the new pollinator garden. This addition to Cultivar Farms is the brainchild of Bill and Louise Haney. After they transferred to Cultivar from Kronkosky they set out almost immediately to design and install the garden. We’re grateful to them and to Thrivent Financial for their generous donation that enabled us to purchase the granite.