The Hill Country Crisis Council is a private, non-profit 501(c)3 organization incorporated in April of 1984 to serve victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.  Located near downtown Kerrville, it serves Kerr, Kendall, Kimble, Bandera, and Gillespie Counties. The Hill Country Crisis Council has a commitment to assist survivors of family violence, sexual assault and child abuse and restore their lives by providing intervention, protection and justice.  HCCC is dedicated to stopping the spread of violence, sexual assault, and child abuse through education, intervention, and assistance.

The Butterfly Garden, located on the building grounds first began in 2017, but wasn’t regularly attended, thus the garden became overgrown.  The project was revived by Hill Country Master Gardeners in 2024.  To the residents and staff, the Butterfly Garden serves as a quiet, peaceful area filled with plants that attract and nourish butterflies, bees and birds. 

Contact Mary Contois at for more information.